Saturday, March 13, 2010

Anybody Want A New Kid By Friday?

Even though DebbieLynne and I don't have any children of our own, we still care about them very much. DebbieLynne and I have heard Dr. Keven Leman talk on the radio about helping kids to change their behavior.

His most popular book is "Have a New Kid by Friday." It seems there are times when many frustrated parents would love to replace (or somehow retrain) the kid that's driving them crazy.

As of yet I haven't read the book, but what I've heard Dr. Leman say on the radio certainly seems to make a lot of sense. Rather than argue with children he recommends establishing consequences for bad behavior.

One of the things I like about this approach is that it seems to be similar to how God deals with us. You don't find God getting into a shouting match with His kids, do you?

Our Father in heaven tells us what to do. He also tells us there will be unpleasant consequences if we don't do what He says.

God told Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for if he did he would die. Adam and Eve nevertheless ate of it. And sure enough they lost the ability to live eternally in paradise

God didn't yell at them. But He let them bear the consequences He said would occur.

If you think you could benefit from Dr. Leman's book, Have A New Kid by Friday, you could look for it at the library. Or buy it at a bookstore, or online. If you like you could buy it here, either new or used.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Little Something About Success and Failure

Two or three months ago I came across a blog called The administrator was looking for writers to submit an example of their work so he could choose several to become writers for the blog. The idea was that if he found 30 writers, they could each write an average of one post a month.

It wasn't the name of the blog that interested me as much as that it was that going to be a Christian blog Therefore I emailed a piece of my writing to the administrator and included a link to my blog. And then I went on to other things.

Today I got a call from the guy who started SuccessAndFailure.Net saying that he hoped I would accept his invitation to me to post on his blog on a regular basis. I told him I'd be glad to do so. But first I decided to make a post right here about his blog.

In addition to his blog having posts from a variety of authors, there are also links to obtain information on several topics. One link is for finding a local church. The basic list only has a few churches, but from there is a link to nationwide church search service on

I decided to use to see what was listed for churches in Holbrook, Massachusetts. Lo and behold the first church listed is Brookville Baptist Church, the one my wife, DebbieLynne, and I attend.
OK, that's all for today. With the Lord's prompting I'll seek to post more often.